You Are a Gift to the World

This week I decided that the cold couldn’t stop me from a daily walk. I discovered snow pants and a scarf that covered my whole face (game changer!) Walking is by far my most important daily rhythm

Walking is when I make sense of life. As I walk, my body and mind begin to click and after about 20 minutes, my scattered and frustrated thoughts begin to shift. The things that don’t matter float to the background and the things that do matter float to the front of my mind. Walking is prayer for me. Sometimes I talk to God while I walk and other times I don’t. Sometimes I sing, sometimes I worry and wonder about people in my life, and sometimes I just think about how cold it is and how I wish I could be on the beach.

After too much time inside endlessly scrolling through Facebook and playing never ending games of Words With Friends; a walk in the cold has been like a slap in the face to wake me out my lethargy. A lethargy from a lack of human connection. The kind of lack that you know is there, but isn’t bad enough for you to actually reach out and do something about it.

I expect some of you have had a long winter. The last few weeks of below zero temps have pushed us into a dark basement of the winter blues. With a loss of our usual social routines in Minnesota that get us through winter like potluck soup suppers, and bowling nights, birthday parties, retreats, chili cook-offs, theater performances, and recitals, we are left to an endless string of nights of Netflix and days of managing our emotions and the emotions of those who lean on us for support.

On my last walk this week, I had a very clear thought that I want to share with you, dear reader. It was so clear, it was almost like a voice from heaven delivered it. The voice said –

“You are a gift to the world”

I believe this is true but it seems a bit cliche. A bit like something on a quote board. So as I pushed back on it a bit knowing that most would be cynical about such a statement. I heard God say “No. YOU ARE a GIFT To the World….Period.” No question mark, no conditions, no exceptions. Every single person ever created is a gift to the world. Whether they see it or not and whether other people recognize it or not.

Would you do something weird for me for just a second?

Would you go to a mirror (or pull up your phone selfie camera) and look at yourself and say OUT LOUD, “I am a gift to the world”. Ok. Now say it again. “I am a gift to the word.” How does that feel? Do you question it as you say it? Do you add a BUT…..after the statement? I’m actually serious. Go to a mirror and say out loud “I AM A GIFT TO THE WORLD”

It’s ok if you don’t feel like a gift to the world right now. I get it. But, it doesn’t make it any less true.
What I’ve been realizing is how many people are “Gifts” to me and they probably don’t even know it. I walk through my days and rarely let people know what they mean to me. How would our days look and feel differently if we approached each person we have contact with as a gift. What if we told even one person a day what a gift they are to us?

We don’t need to wait for a holiday to tell others they matter. I hope it will become a daily habit, like walking. At times, speaking words of life to someone will feel forced and awkward (like bundling up and facing an icy wind in negative temps) and other times it will flow naturally and be received with tears of joy and life altering results.
Never under estimate a positive word given. Just keep at it.

Proverbs 25:11 – A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver.


    Thank you, Anna for another word of encouragement. I always enjoy your writings. You, too are a gift to the world. I’m glad you believe it.

      Thank you, Karen. Love you!

    Anna, old friend, this blog couldn’t have come at a better time. This was just another confirmation for me from God!

      I’m so glad!!

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