Let Go Say No Go Slow

This phrase is one that Mark shared with me years ago, and I keep going back to it because it feels like it has become a good mantra for life.

“Let go, say no, go slow”

Letting go doesn’t mean giving up hope or quitting. It means realizing that there are things that are beyond your control. Can you control the opinions of others? Can you control what someone thinks about you or how they respond to you? Can you control the decisions others make or how they choose to spend their time or money? Can you control the way they eat, drink, or talk about other people?
My spouse and children help me practice this one the most. Every single day I have opportunities to let go of what I can’t control.

Saying No used to be hard for me, but the more I do it the better I get at it. Here are some examples of a few things I consistently find myself saying no to.

“No, I don’t take students on Fridays”.

“No, make-up lessons are not guaranteed.”

“No, I am not able to come to an event that is an hour away and involves driving through Friday rush hour.”

“No, I will not be able to join the PTA or chaperone field trips.”

Going Slow is counter-cultural where I live. I’ve realized this more than ever after returning from a 6 month road-trip where I had fewer responsibilities and long unplanned days. When I work hard during the week, I want a lot of open space on the weekends to “just be” and allow for “spontaneous adventures”. I was raised in a small town where sitting on the front porch and waving to the neighbors walking by was considered entertainment. One of my piano student families let their kids dig a giant hole in their front yard which provided the kids with hours of free entertainment. Since the hole looked a little out of place on their city street, the mom apologized for the mess, admitting her fear of judgement. I laughed and said, It reminds me of my own childhood. We had a neighborhood digging club too. It was the best!

Do you find yourself wishing that life would slow down a little? Maybe you wish you had a few more free days with nothing scheduled on the calendar? Or maybe you love being busy and get bored when there is “nothing to do” like a couple of my kids who are constantly asking. “What are we DOING today?”

It takes all types of personalities to make the world go round and we each have our own limits when it comes to the pace of life we choose. I hope you can find what works for you and embrace it fully. Let go, say no, and if it suits you….go slow.

Here are a few photos from my slow day today at Lake of the Isles and Eloise Butler Flower Gardens.