Creative Drought

When I find myself not writing or reading, I know something is lacking. Like the earth needs water, one of my refreshing wells is words. Words bring meaning to emotions and experiences. However, when words are not enough, simply BEING in a place of beauty and taking it in feels like gulping cold, clean water on a hot day.

These dry times are bound to come. How can I bloom in the desert?

As I wait for some grand inspiration, some mountain top moment, some new work to present itself, I’m reminded that BEING in the PRESENT moment is what life is all about. Life is about seeing every landscape as beautiful and meaningful. The deserts, the mountains, the oceans, the forests, and the plains. Flowers do still bloom in the desert.

Here are some things I am doing to keep my creativity alive and blooming.

Choosing to do the small things.
Take photos of things that draw me in
Watering some flowers and plants and watching them grow Learning something new – ukelele for me Resting in a hammock near water.
Taking my kids to a sculpture park and bead store.

Speak kindly to yourself Avoid “should haves” and telling myself I am “lazy”. Remind myself of how far I’ve come.

Dream on Paper What would I do if there was nothing stopping me? Where would I like to be in 10 years? Write it down.

Do something that scares you For me this means not being afraid to approach new people and speak up in public. It means going down the water slide when I’d rather take a nap on my towel. It means trusting my instincts and pushing ahead instead of doubting myself. It means having hard conversations instead of smiling and saying “I’m fine” when it’s not fine.

Share one of your ideas with someone else Don’t keep all your dreams inside. Speak at least one dream out loud. If the sharing of your idea isn’t received, try again with someone else. Don’t give up so quickly. One “no” is not a closed door forever. Maybe try a window or look for another way through. Don’t give up.

One of my dreams is to find a way to make income without being in one place, so I can spend a year traveling with my family. Another dream is to write a book.

What are you dreaming of? How are you watering your creativity?