My Words of the Year

I posted on Facebook asking people to share their word of the year and was surprised how many of you already had a word in mind on December 31st. I thought I’d share how I came to my words – yes, I have 2 words for the year.

I made a list of a whole bunch of words that came to mind and the one that stood out to me like it was being highlighted was the word STRETCHED. I have been stretched outside of my comfort zone with moving, traveling, and doing some public speaking this year. I believe that stretching will continue this year in several different areas. As someone with a history of back problems, stretching my physical body is an important part of my staying healthy.

When I asked Mark about his word, he told me it was MALLEABLE. I asked him to look up the definition from Google and read it aloud to me. He read the definition: “Able to be hammered or pressed permanently out of shape without breaking or cracking.” Then he paused and said, “you’re not going to believe this!” He continued to read the Google definition which said (I kid you not)

“Anna was shaken enough to be malleable”

Because this word became highlighted with my name on it in the dictionary, I decided to add it as one of MY words of the year as well. The definition is correct. I have gone through a fair amount of shaking. We all go through seasons of shaking in our lives, whether that be from the shaking of our beliefs, relationships, job, or health. Through the shaking, we are shaped and changed. We become more flexible, more able to see other perspectives, and more ok with uncertainty and unanswered questions.

My shaking started when we went through extreme financial hardship and had to move back home with my parents when Malia was a baby. It continued when some of the people closest to me abandoned their faith in God and stopped going to church with me. There were many other challenges that I won’t get into here.

Some people refer to this shaking as “the wall” It is a place in our spiritual lives when it feels impossible to pass through. You don’t get through the wall quickly and how you get through is different for every person. I was at the wall in my faith for what felt like close to 10 years. During that time, I often felt like an outsider “pretending to fit” in Christian circles. I didn’t feel like reading the Bible and had more questions than answers.

After returning from our 6-month road trip in May, it felt like something majorly shifted in my spiritual life and relationship with God. I can’t tell you why or how, it was just time for a new season. I still wrestle with many of the same issues and questions when it comes to church, but I can hear God speaking to me again, loud and clear, and miraculously personal.

Are you curious about spiritual things? I am looking to be trained as a spiritual director starting in 2024. I am excited to walk with others along their journey of seeking what a spiritual life might look like. Questions and uncertainty are welcome.