Message to Moms

This is for the moms who need a little pep talk today. Sending hugs and cheering you on!

It’s amazing to me the number of mothers who question almost daily whether they are good moms. I’m not talking about moms that are neglecting their kids or phoning it in. I’m talking about rockstar moms who are giving their all every freakin’ day.

The lack of confidence we moms have in our ability to parent, keep a home, and juggle life’s demands is unbelievably high. The overthinking, worry, and comparison that goes on is crazy. Moms are their own worst critics.

Here are some ways I have learned to combat the negative self-talk.

#1. Call to the top of your mind one thing you are proud of right now.

I’m proud that my child made their own breakfast, showed empathy, learned to ride a bike, slept through the night, said they were sorry, made me smile. I’m proud that I returned that phone call, had that hard talk, forgave myself, said no.

My youngest is 6 and oldest is 18. Lots of
proud moments.

#2. Don’t compare your weaknesses to another person’s strengths.

Since the beginning of time, moms have been told they need to do it all. In reality, that would be foolish. You will do certain things well and then there will be other things that your friends do better. I am really good at patience, listening, friendships, and teaching. I am not good at house cleaning, decorating, fashion, hair, makeup, or big business. I am also not good at Pinterest or Twitter or exercise or healthy meals or taking supplements or essential oils or team sports or shopping at malls. We would all feel better if we knew and appreciated our strengths and became a cheering squad for others who are different than us.

Eating junk food and wearing strange clothes

#3. Acknowledge how hard parenting is.

Give yourself credit for all the days, months and years you’ve been showing up for your kids. You’ve been there through all the milestones, the sicknesses, the dentist visits, the potty training, the head lice, the bad dreams, the questions, the sleepless nights, the relationship struggles, the disappointments, the unexpected transitions, the birthday parties, the firsts, the lasts….all of it!

You ARE a good mom. I’m here to speak this aloud whether you believe it or not. I hope you understand that you are more than enough. In fact, whether your child acknowledges it or not, does not change the truth. You have poured your life out and the one who made you and made you uniquely YOU is pleased.

Genesis 1:31. “God saw everything He has made and it was very good”…..that includes you, Mom!


    Thank you Anna! So encouraging!! You can add on to your list that you are a great writer!! Your love flows thru your words! Thank you!

    Wonderful encouraging thoughts on bring a mom. You’ve got it covered well? Anna.

    Well said ANNA – Absolutely just what we all need. So many moms are working from home and doing school and life and everything all at once these days. And older mom’s like need to remember to NOT measure by another persons yardstick. My measuring tool is for me. Not going to use one that belongs to another. I often think that I will put that ‘other’ long measuring stick under the bed – and just keep the one I have for just me.

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