Crazy Covid Times

I decided to write a little bit about what our days have been like for the last 3 months.

I remember the first day I became aware of covid-19. Two events I was planning to attend were cancelled on March 13th and 14th. By Monday the 16th, schools and businesses were closed. The grocery store shelves were mostly empty as people stocked up on essentials, canned goods, and toilet paper.

I went to Global Arts Plus to collect the kids’ iPads to begin distance learning. Everyone wore masks and gloves and an eery feeling filled the empty hallways. I brought the kids with me, hoping to see their teachers, but only saw the unfamiliar faces of volunteers calmly communicating log-in instructions on typed papers with barcodes.

As reality set in, there were mixed emotions. The first few weeks seemed like a novelty for my introverted self. We did lots of baking, puzzles, crafts, and sent video messages to family members. We went on nature hikes to new places, enjoyed dinners with all of us around the table, and felt a sense of relief at all the new found “free time”

We began to realize that all our plans for Ellie’s graduation, summer, and possibly college in the fall would have to change.

Every day began to feel the same. When the kids finally surrendered to sleep, I stayed up well past midnight writing or watching Netflix in my “finally quiet time”.

The weeks turned into months and we began to wonder if life would ever return back to normal. Social distancing became acceptable and wearing masks was the new normal. I wasn’t sure what to make of it all. I didn’t have anyone close to me personally affected by covid-19, but I knew that could change overnight just as many things were changing day to day.

I am still not sure what to think of it all. Here are the things I know.

Relationships matter – the people in my life that mattered to me before covid-19 (or whatever trial life throws my way) matter to me just as much now.

Seasons change – just as winter turns to spring and summer to fall, this time in history will change as well.

Healthy things grow – if we lean into the good things we know to be true, we will become stronger through whatever storms we encounter.

Take care, friends. Let me know how quarantine has been for you.

Message to Moms

This is for the moms who need a little pep talk today. Sending hugs and cheering you on!

It’s amazing to me the number of mothers who question almost daily whether they are good moms. I’m not talking about moms that are neglecting their kids or phoning it in. I’m talking about rockstar moms who are giving their all every freakin’ day.

The lack of confidence we moms have in our ability to parent, keep a home, and juggle life’s demands is unbelievably high. The overthinking, worry, and comparison that goes on is crazy. Moms are their own worst critics.

Here are some ways I have learned to combat the negative self-talk.

#1. Call to the top of your mind one thing you are proud of right now.

I’m proud that my child made their own breakfast, showed empathy, learned to ride a bike, slept through the night, said they were sorry, made me smile. I’m proud that I returned that phone call, had that hard talk, forgave myself, said no.

My youngest is 6 and oldest is 18. Lots of
proud moments.

#2. Don’t compare your weaknesses to another person’s strengths.

Since the beginning of time, moms have been told they need to do it all. In reality, that would be foolish. You will do certain things well and then there will be other things that your friends do better. I am really good at patience, listening, friendships, and teaching. I am not good at house cleaning, decorating, fashion, hair, makeup, or big business. I am also not good at Pinterest or Twitter or exercise or healthy meals or taking supplements or essential oils or team sports or shopping at malls. We would all feel better if we knew and appreciated our strengths and became a cheering squad for others who are different than us.

Eating junk food and wearing strange clothes

#3. Acknowledge how hard parenting is.

Give yourself credit for all the days, months and years you’ve been showing up for your kids. You’ve been there through all the milestones, the sicknesses, the dentist visits, the potty training, the head lice, the bad dreams, the questions, the sleepless nights, the relationship struggles, the disappointments, the unexpected transitions, the birthday parties, the firsts, the lasts….all of it!

You ARE a good mom. I’m here to speak this aloud whether you believe it or not. I hope you understand that you are more than enough. In fact, whether your child acknowledges it or not, does not change the truth. You have poured your life out and the one who made you and made you uniquely YOU is pleased.

Genesis 1:31. “God saw everything He has made and it was very good”…..that includes you, Mom!

How we came to St Paul

We moved to St Paul 8 years ago. I’ve been wanting to recount the story of how we ended up here. I need to be reminded of how God takes care of us.

Our first house in the Twin Cities was an upper duplex rental in South Minneapolis. It was home for 5 years. I slowly grew to love the city after living in a small town up until that point. My oldest announced as we drove onto the freeway into Minneapolis, “I was born to be a city girl!”

Driving on freeways was the biggest change. I found a job teaching piano lessons in St Paul and the short drive from Mpls to St Paul always left me with stiff shoulders and a sore back. I would clench the steering wheel and hold my breathe as I anticipated the dreaded lane changes. For a period of time, when we didn’t have a car and I learned to ride the metro transit, another experience that felt monumental at the time. The city began to feel like our new home. I loved meeting people with different cultures and beliefs than me. I loved trying foods from around the world, experiencing art through museums, theater, and the orchestra.

As we reached year 5 in Minneapolis, we began to run out of money. It was a confusing period in our marriage and job situation and it became clear that it was again time for a change . One thing I’ve realized is that I don’t usually gravitate toward change unless it is forced upon me. Hardships can be the catalyst for making necessary changes.

That whole decision to not renew our lease on the Minneapolis duplex is still a bit foggy to me. It was a very unsettling season that I never want to repeat. My three girls, ages 10, 8, and 1 and I, moved to Marshall, MN to live with my parents while Mark stayed in Minneapolis on a friend’s couch, working a new job in order to save enough money for us to rent a new place that fall.

That whole summer apart ended up being a blessing in disguise. Everyday, we would go on walks, to the pool, rummage sales, and Camden State Park. The extended time with my parents was just what my girls and I needed.

Our goal was to move to St Paul by September so that I could continue teaching piano and the kids could start school. August came and there was no housing in our price range. I spent my days feeling a rising sense of panic as I scoured the internet for affordable rentals for a family of 5.

Finally, near the end of August, I saw a 4 bedroom house for rent pop up on Craigslist. We looked at it and immediately felt a “Yes!” It was the only house I could find even close to what we were looking for. It felt like a miracle.

Looking back, I feel this house was hand-picked for us. The neighbors, the art house down the street, the theater experiences, the schools, and all the places that have become home.

First Easter in St Paul
And we added Ivy to our family
to make 6!

I know what uncertainty feels like. With Covid-19 looming over us, we don’t know what life will look like a month from now or 6 months from now. I’m glad I can look back on God’s faithfulness in our move to St Paul and all the little and big ways we have been taken care of since then. I have to keep believing the best. It’s the only way through.

Don’t Should On Yourself

How many times did you say or think the word “should” today? Here’s my list.

I should wake up earlier I should not let my kids be watching YouTube.
I should not let my kids eat candy.
I should make my kids read.
I should make my kids do more chores. I should finally work on that website. I should return that phone call. I should start running. I should be more like that teacher I saw online.
I should….

These “shoulds” represent external expectations that we have internalized. Everytime we “should on ourselves”, we pile on guilt and shame. We compare our real life to the ideal life we imagine.

Where did this “should” come from? Is it important to me or only important because of how others view me?

Instead of asking what you “should” do, ask yourself “what is most important to me?”

What are your values? Recognize that differences in preferences and approach to life are healthy, even amongst your friend group. Appreciate the people around you and celebrate what they bring to the table. Realize that your friends’ strengths do not need to be your strengths.

Pay attention to the “shoulds” that come into your head today and replace them with “I will” or “I want” or even “I feel pressure to”. Explore your “shoulds” with curiosity. You may just learn that some of them can be discarded or set aside for now.

How are your kids doing?

The news is reporting how difficult this quarantine is for adults who must work from home or not work at all, but what are we hearing about the kids? I have four kids ranging from 5 to 18. They are home. I have been trying to teach piano lessons online in the living room 15 hours a week while the kids fend for themselves. My husband is struggling with the loss of his business and looking for work.

I thought the kids were doing quite well, but tonight the younger two broke down and cried themselves to sleep. They miss school, they miss their friends, they miss their old life full of trips to the mall, arcade, play dates, and parks. I think grief hits us in waves. We think we are fine, and then we’re not. It has not hit me yet. Maybe because I am working so hard to be strong for everyone around me.

The kids are sad and confused. I’m sure the explanations of quarantine and corona virus make no sense to them, especially those younger than age 10.

What are you doing to help your kids deal with disappointment? Have your kids been asking questions about the future? I would love to hear your experiences.

Transition leads to New Birth

It could be assumed that regardless of our age, we are all going through a time of transition. During this Covid-19 quarantine, many have transitioned to working from home and distance learning for students. Our world has transitioned from a frenetic over-scheduled life to a much slower pace with fewer alarm clocks and traffic jams.

For those who have given birth or been with a woman in labor, you know that transition is the final phase of labor when the woman’s cervix moves from 8-10 centimeters. It’s the time during labor when the pain intensifies to its peak. Contractions are strong, and close together, often overlapping.

During this quarantine, we are in a transition time. It’s a time between what was and what will be. Much like labor, we cannot predict how long it will last or how it will unfold. The pain it is causing varies from person to person. What we do know is that we are not going through the transition for no reason. We cannot go through a crisis without it changing us.

I hope this season will bring about something new and beautiful.

What is this time of transition leading to? What will the world look like when this period of time is over? Will life ever go back to the way it was?

We must all take time to grieve the things we have lost. Jobs, income, travel, entertainment, time with friends, graduations, camps, and for some, losing a loved one.

Willingly entering into the pain is an important part of transition.

Just like during a birth, trusting your creator, accepting help from your support team, breathing, and focus on the goalnew life – will bring you through this labor of transition.

For those who have went through child birth, maybe you can remember things to share with others that helped you through the painful experience. I know it’s not the perfect analogy, but it is what makes sense for me today.

How can we support one another in this labor of love that we call “Sheltering in Place?”

Grieving our losses during Covid-19

We are all grieving whether we admit it our not.

Grieving all the little things that add up to big things.

Grieving the loss of human touch and physical closeness.

The loss of our work which brings us a sense of purpose.

The loss of live art and entertainment. No more theater, movie theaters, restaurants, art museums, and indoor play places.

The loss of libraries, gyms, and public meeting places where neighbors gather.

The loss of income, bringing a deep uncertainty of the future.

The loss of schools and colleges. A realization that we took for granted the caring teachers, companions, and consistent routine.

The loss of freedom to move about. We can no longer hop in our cars or on a bus and see where the day takes us. There are no more spontaneous days of bar hops, art crawls, and sporting events.

The loss of hospitality. The ceasing of in person community. No more sharing soup with neighbors or play dates or birthday parties.

What is happening to our world?

It’s not fair. It’s just not fair. Why can’t we visit and touch the elderly parents we love who are also grieving. Why must the most vulnerable be left alone?

Take time to grieve.

It’s ok to feel sad. A lot of little things lost add up to a big Loss. The loss of a life that we took for granted.

Practice or Play?

Being a piano teacher I have become accustomed to the question “have you practiced this week?” Usually the answer is yes or no, BUT…. I had a lot of homework, I was sick, we were out of town, I didn’t have time, and then the occasional bursting into tears or running out of the room. I’ve been asking myself a lot of questions around why the question of practice and why the word has gotten such a bad rap. I think there are two reasons students really don’t practice and those same two reasons can apply to homework, creative goals, and many other areas.

#1. The task is uninteresting or boring to me.

#2. The task is too difficult and mastery seems a long way off.

How do we reverse this bad stigma around the word practice for the young students in our lives and ourselves as we are never done learning? I have made some changes in my teaching style and the way I approach my language with first time students, asking them to play everyday instead of practice everyday.

“The reason why kids want to learn an instrument is to make exciting sounds.”

Marvin Blickenstaff

This idea carries over to so many areas in our creative lives. We play with creativity because we like the feeling of creating sounds, colors, textures, and new ideas. It is not usually about becoming a master. For most, it’s about enjoyment.
Small children begin their lives with play, and then eventually shift from play to work mode in an effort to earn money or prove their worth. As adults, life becomes more about proving ourselves and less about finding delight in the creative process. I am not saying that disciplined daily practices are not important. What I am saying is that if we approach our practices with a playful attitude, expecting to enjoy the practice instead of dreading it, we will be more likely to stick with it long term.

Do you have a daily creative practice? Do you look forward to it? Do you see it as play?

I am making a goal to play the piano every day during the month of March. Would you like to join me in starting a daily creative playtime? Here are some ideas. Choose one that suits you or add your own.

play an instrument, sketch, paint, write, knit, sew, photograph, cook, dance, read aloud, decorate, garden, sing

In selecting your creative play, you might want to consider the two biggest setbacks that I mentioned earlier. Don’t choose something that has no meaning to you or that you get bored with quickly, and don’t choose something that is too difficult or frustrating. Think play, not perfection.

Let me know if you are attempting a daily creative practice. Let’s cheer each other on! Join the Midlife Creative Facebook group to continue the conversation.

Rest isn’t just for vacation.

Do you schedule yourself every minute of everyday?
Do you feel uncomfortable with long unplanned stretches of time? Do you wonder if you are missing something when you stay home on a Friday night and go to bed early?

We live in a world that tells us “Busy is Best!” How many times have you asked someone, “How have you been?” and their response has been “Busy!”

This year when my four kids went to school all day for the first time, I was intentional about not filling up my free hours. I decided to take the mornings to stay home and read, journal, and take long walks.
It was wonderful for the first few weeks, but then I started questioning my decision. Should I be doing more? Working more? Trying to take on another job? My slow mornings somehow felt lavish and something a retiree would do, but not a 41 year old.

Why is it so hard to give ourselves permission to STOP? To stop striving, racing, running, and competing,

One of the conclusions that I came to for myself is that I gain a lot of my fulfillment from being needed by others. I also have this nagging fear that someone that I care about will think that I am selfish or lazy. Being a helper is a big part of my identity, and rest involves saying, “No. I can’t help you right now.

What will it take for you to give yourself permission to rest? Rest is not meant to be an occasional luxury, but a regular rhythm that helps us find peace and delight.

Routine or Rut?

I do a lot of walking. As I walk, my mind wanders in a million directions, but my feet typically stay on the same path. I walk the same route day after day. I rarely go off course or venture off the road most traveled. I have always been a “play it safe” person. Lately, I’ve begun to wonder if my predictable patterns are routines or ruts?

One day, I decided to walk a little further and take a turn instead of going straight. I discovered a tunnel that led under a freeway and into a nature preserve. I thought to myself, “I didn’t even know this path was here and I have walked past it dozens of times”

Who pushes you to step out of your ruts and into new ways of thinking and living? Who challenges you to question, change gears, and take intentional detours? I have many routines in my life that are very helpful and won’t be changing anytime soon. I have some great routines around the house that keep the dishes and laundry done and assure that we don’t order pizza more than once a week. I also have routines that remind me to read, write, and rest.

But, I admit that I fall into unhelpful ruts very easily. One of my biggest ruts right now is obsessively checking social media and email throughout the day. I tell myself that it’s unnecessary and unfulfilling, but I keep checking it over and over again.
I have decided to take a week off my phone (except for answering phone calls and texts) as a way of resetting this habit pattern.

Taking a new path means facing some unknowns. Going without a phone seems small, but it is an important shift for me. Some of you may have bigger ruts that are much more difficult to pull out of. Changing careers, leaving abusive relationships, moving, speaking up about something you believe in when you know the people around you won’t agree. We all have ruts that we find ourselves settling into. Forging a new path can feel lonely. We may need to ask for help.

Shifting our direction and walking in faith instead of fear speaks volumes to others who are watching. We can become leaders for those who have always wanted to step out of their ruts, but haven’t had the courage. Our changes, even the small changes, can make a way for others to follow in our footsteps.

My rut for today is social media addiction. Becoming aware of your own rut requires slowing down and making observations. Do you want to change? Do you want to try something new? Do you want to grow? What’s holding you back? Tell someone. Then, take some baby steps out of your rut, and see what you discover.